Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cass Mastern Dramatic Monologue

Do not be afraid of death
For it is our salvation.
To sleep in peace without a care
Allows us to finally be free
Of everything in our life around here.
Even when we sleep
Our minds wander on,
Keeping records of our actions and deeds,
No matter the time or moment when an event occurs
The mind never forgets
It only regrets,
Those memories are kept inside
Following you around until you lie in the ground.

Not all memories are bad
The mind helps to remember love, happiness and joy
Especially the times I spent with Annabelle
Sneaking to the summerhouse to find a wet kiss
Oh! How soft and gentle were those delicate lips.
Following the sweet flowery scent
We both could not resist,
Making love to my best friend’s wife at three
I never felt remorseful for the acts we preformed,
Until the nineteenth of March changed everything,
When my dear friend Duncan was shot by his own hand
How wrong I was to predict ahead.
Somehow I believed Annabelle would marry me
Instead she gave me Duncan’s wedding ring
A mortal chill crept upon me.

Soon after I left Lexington
When I returned home my slaves went free
Then I enlisted in the Confederacy.
Not as a commander in charge of men
A private I was until the end.
I never once fired a shot
I already killed one man and there was no need for more bloodshed.
From battles nearby and to the land of Tennessee
No bullet ever found me,
Until one day in Atlanta luck was upon me
And I got shot in the knee.

As the infectious wound grows
I don’t know what to do
Except to rejoice in the news.
Because I have lived to do no man good
I do not hope to be redeemed,
My only wish is for others to learn from my misery.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

Yay!! An interesting pic, and a cool narrator. No one else has done Cass yet. I am glad that someone liked this story, and I like the voice. Check out the diction he uses in the letters and try to follow it a bit more closely. Overall - you did a nice job. - elms